Gran Meliá Chengdu Hotel Opens

​While Covid-19 continues to cause significant damage in major markets in Europe and America, for international hotel companies China has become a pioneering scenario for recovery. Containing the pandemic has had immediate positive effects on the economy and the travel industry in China, which statistics indicate is experiencing a rapid recovery. According to the China Tourism Academy, more than 90% of hotels and tourist attractions in the country have reopened along with around 60% of travel agencies. Furthermore, more than 80% of Chinese people report a desire to travel in the third quarter of 2020. 

Against this backdrop, Meliá Hotels International has resumed work on an expansion plan which aims to double its presence in China within two years, from 5 to 10 hotels in operation. The positive evolution of demand in hotels and the reactivation of the domestic market (according to Airbus, domestic flights in August recovered to 90% of previous levels) have encouraged the company to open an ultra-luxury urban resort in Chengdu this week.

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